MoMA Part 2: My Look

Monday, August 12, 2013

Since I knew I was meeting my friends at the MoMA, I wanted my outfit to convey art. As a fashion girl  going to a place for inspiration, already influenced me to dress this way before seeing the exhibit. My crop top was just a V-neck sweater. I did a DIY and cut the sweater in half and left the back long, surprisingly it looked great. What's great about this DIY is that I didn't watch a how to video. I just had the idea in my head and went for.  My skirt worked perfectly with my crop top and I got so many compliments on my shoes from my friends and strangers at the museum. As you seen in the previous MoMA post I had fun and loved the interesting exhibition at the Museum. 

Get inspired and stay inspired

(Prada glasses,Gap - DIY crop top, Joe Fresh skirt, H&M jewelry,Zara bag and Asos sandals)


  1. I love the fact your at MOMA! Love that museum! Im a total art junky, and Im loving that Warhol behind you! Love your hair! Wish I could go visit Moma im stuck here in California! LOL!

  2. you look great! love all the lovely art as a background too :)

    from helen at thelovecatsinc | bloglovin


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