Ivy league style

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hey Guys,

Today I'm all about my ivy league/ preppy look. 
In New York you have store like J Crew that inspire that style. I added a some platform heels to funk it up a bit. I also realize my look is a little sloppy which is totally fine. Perfection is not the key to this look, it's confidence, duh. Overall its a style I like to wear when I'm in the mood.


(Guess coat, Jcrew shirt, Forever21 crop top,American Apparel pant, vintage liz claiborne bag, Urban outfitter Deena &Ozzy shoes


  1. this is an amazing preppy tomboy look, love it

    * MlleWanderlust ✡

  2. really cute outfit! Thanks for comment on my blog (new post!!). Greetings from Poland, xoxo



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