Brighton Beach

Monday, August 19, 2013

Beach life with my buddy Ann.

My homie Ann and I needed to go to the beach.; It was a must. She needed the tan and I needed the sea breeze. We both were so relaxed. Before, we headed to the beach we went to Tatiana , which is a huge Russia, euro/american restaurant on the boardwalk by the beach; great food and great wine. It's really a beautiful and relaxing moment when you eat fancy dishes by the beach; it so calming. After we were done stuffing our faces with delicious food, we headed to the beach. We laid down,  jumped and had fun in the water. We did it all and loved every moment of it. I had my essentials: my Lucky magazine, which the first issue I ever bought (usually its Vogue), My iPhone of course and my moisturizing body location. I know sunscreen should be on the list, but I never find a reason to get it because I don't stay in the sun, I'm alway in the shade.  So anyway,  enjoyed our beach life moment with these photo diary I taken for you guys.
For those who live on a beach, you're living the good life.

Go to the beach before summer leaves!


Ann's meal : Guacamole Salad with White fish, Head on Shrimps & Beer.
Mine meal: Greek Salad & glass of Chardonnay.

(TATIANA is located 3152 Brighton 6th St, Brooklyn, NY)

Ann's Bathin suit: Victoria's Secret
mine bathing suit: Red Carter


  1. I have no words for your blog, you have an amazing sense of style, the pictures, the layout, everything, I'm amazed!



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